
You Are Parenting Wrong, and That’s Okay

You Are Parenting Wrong, and That’s Okay 2189 1460 Right Path Counseling

You are going to be responsible for traumas in your child’s life. That does not mean that you are a bad parent. That does not mean that you are making…

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Can Men Get Postpartum Depression?

Can Men Get Postpartum Depression? 2560 1704 Right Path Counseling

Postpartum depression is depression that occurs after having a child. It is a complex form of depression, caused not only by hormonal changes, but also missing sleep, life transition issues,…

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Are You Introverted or Socially Anxious? Therapy Can Help You Discover the Real You

Are You Introverted or Socially Anxious? Therapy Can Help You Discover the Real You 2560 1360 Right Path Counseling

There are very few people who are truly introverted or truly extroverted. Extroverts, who are people that find energy from social experiences, will still have days where they want to…

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Authoritative vs Authoritarian Parenting and Childhood Outcomes

Authoritative vs Authoritarian Parenting and Childhood Outcomes 2210 1474 Right Path Counseling

There is no such thing as a perfect parenting manual. Kids are different. Parents are different. Culture and money and location and siblings and life situations – they’re all different.…

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What Can Journaling Do for Sleep?

What Can Journaling Do for Sleep? 1637 1228 Right Path Counseling

We often associate the idea of a “diary” with youth. In movies and TV, diaries are filled out by children and teens to let out their thoughts and help them…

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How the Differences in Our Partner Can Be Our Attractions and Frustrations

How the Differences in Our Partner Can Be Our Attractions and Frustrations 2560 1709 Right Path Counseling

Every relationship has its ups and downs. The longer we are in a relationship, the more it is common for us to start to feel like our partner has flaws…

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Insomnia and Mental Health – Why We Can’t Sleep, and Why That Matters

Insomnia and Mental Health – Why We Can’t Sleep, and Why That Matters 2560 1709 Right Path Counseling

We need sleep. Most of us live busy lives, and many of us try our best to avoid sleep by staying up later than we’re supposed to in order to…

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Man sitting on a sofa with a hand over his face in distress.

Therapist for Sadness – Finding Relief From Sad Thoughts and Emotions

Therapist for Sadness – Finding Relief From Sad Thoughts and Emotions 2560 1670 Right Path Counseling

Therapists and Counselors for Sadness at Right Path Counseling – Long Island, NY Emotions can be complicated. We are meant to experience a range of emotions. Sometimes, these emotions are…

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Why Panic Disorder Often Leads to Agoraphobia

Why Panic Disorder Often Leads to Agoraphobia 150 150 Right Path Counseling

Agoraphobia is a considered a fear of going outside, or into open or unfamiliar places. People with agoraphobia generally only go to places they know and feel comfortable, like their…

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How Your Posture Can Lead to Anxiety Problems

How Your Posture Can Lead to Anxiety Problems 2449 1633 Right Path Counseling

How we feel affects how we think, and vice versa. When we are in pain, or not feeling our best, we often feel depressed or stressed. When we are depressed…

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Night Eating Syndrome: What it is, Why it Matters

Night Eating Syndrome: What it is, Why it Matters 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Right Path Counseling has a team of eating disorder therapists on Long Island that assist those that struggle with conditions like anorexia, bulimia, and more. But some forms of disordered…

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Common Triggers for Insomnia

Common Triggers for Insomnia 150 150 Right Path Counseling

Insomnia can cause challenges in falling asleep or staying asleep. Rather than occurring on its own, an underlying cause often triggers insomnia. If you can figure out the reason behind…

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Anorexia Athletica – What it is, How it’s Treated

Anorexia Athletica – What it is, How it’s Treated 3476 2400 Right Path Counseling

Anorexia is a common and challenging eating disorder. It is known for its extreme caloric restriction. Patients with anorexia often consume little to no food every day, resulting in substantial…

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Prioritizing Mental Health Over the New Year

Prioritizing Mental Health Over the New Year 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

The new year is upon us, and like every year, it’s a time not only to reflect on the past 12 months, but to figure out what your goals are…

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Emergency Couples Counseling on Long Island: Help When You Need it Most

Emergency Couples Counseling on Long Island: Help When You Need it Most 150 150 Right Path Counseling

Right Path Counseling is a team of therapists and couples counselors in Jericho, NY, serving the Long Island community. Many partners seek counseling when they feel like their relationship can…

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Jericho, NY Therapist: What to Ask Before You Start

Jericho, NY Therapist: What to Ask Before You Start 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Right Path Counseling has a full team of therapists at our office In Jericho, NY. If you’re in need of therapy or support for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or other…

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Jericho Therapists: How Therapy Can Help You Navigate the Holidays

Jericho Therapists: How Therapy Can Help You Navigate the Holidays 150 150 Right Path Counseling

Holidays can be one of the more challenging times of year for people living in Jericho and elsewhere on Long Island. These months can be a source of stress, uncomfortable…

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Therapist in Jericho: How CBT Can Treat Anxiety and Stress 

Therapist in Jericho: How CBT Can Treat Anxiety and Stress  150 150 Right Path Counseling

CBT therapy is one of the leading methods that we use to treat anxiety in Jericho. Our CBT treatment is effective for a wide range of mental health conditions, including…

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What Does it Mean to Mourn a Loss for “Too Long?”

What Does it Mean to Mourn a Loss for “Too Long?” 150 150 Right Path Counseling

It is so difficult to lose someone close to us. For many, the COVID-19 pandemic sped that loss up even further. More and more of us have dealt with grief…

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What is Individual Relationship Counseling?

What is Individual Relationship Counseling? 150 150 Right Path Counseling

When a marriage or couple finds themselves struggling, it’s not uncommon for them to seek out couples counseling. Couples counseling gives partners a chance to learn to communicate, build trust,…

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