There are very few people who are truly introverted or truly extroverted. Extroverts, who are people that find energy from social experiences, will still have days where they want to be alone or feel drained after a social experience. Introverts, who are people that find they prefer to be alone or in less quiet and socially active places, will often still have days where their social experiences give them a lot of energy.
Perhaps that is why many people who are clearly extroverts still describe themselves as “actually introverted,” and why there are many introverts who are phenomenal socially when it is asked upon them.
Social Anxiety and Introversion
Many people that are described as introverts are also described as having similar descriptive attributes – for example, being shy. People that are shy often have a difficult or uncomfortable time speaking with others, and in some cases may avoid it altogether. Social anxiety is an even more extreme version of this. People with social anxiety experience significant fear of being judged or embarrassed in social situations. As a result of this social anxiety, they may prefer to withdraw altogether from social experiences.
Someone withdrawn from these social experiences may seem – or even feel – like they are introverted. But are they?
It is true that introverts are more likely to be anxious than extroverts. But social anxiety and introversion are in no way the same thing. Social anxiety can affect anyone, no matter their social preferences, and it could be argued that anyone with social anxiety may start to believe or feel that they are more introverted because social situations become so draining.
Social Anxiety Treatment Can Help You Discover Who You Are
One could argue that someone with social anxiety must have extroversion tendencies, if not be a complete extrovert. After all, a true introvert is someone that is perfectly comfortable alone. A person with social anxiety desires social interaction, but finds it to be stressful or overwhelming. That desire indicates that there is something inside them that prefers or enjoys social situations.
And that is why treatment for social anxiety could, in theory, help you discover who you really are. If you’ve been shy or socially anxious for most of your life, and you consider yourself an introvert, you may find that you’re actually not. You may find that your social anxiety simply prevented you from enjoying the social interactions that you would otherwise enjoy.
Imagine a world where therapy for social anxiety could help you become the extrovert that you actually are. Learn more by contacting Right Path Counseling, today.