
Can You Be “Too Old” to Treat for ADHD?

Can You Be “Too Old” to Treat for ADHD? 2560 1708 Right Path Counseling

The way we talk about ADHD and executive function disorder can often give the impression that these issues are solely issues that affect teens and children. It is true that…

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What is Postpartum OCD?

What is Postpartum OCD? 2560 1498 Right Path Counseling

There’s an argument to be made that we don’t talk enough about the number of physical, emotional, and psychological changes that parents go through when they have a baby. Both…

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What is the Link Between ADHD and ODD?

What is the Link Between ADHD and ODD? 1284 856 Right Path Counseling

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) are two distinct behavioral disorders that are not generally considered directly related. Yet population studies find that frequently co-occur in…

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How Do I Know if Cold Feet is a Fear of Commitment or Something More?

How Do I Know if Cold Feet is a Fear of Commitment or Something More? 2560 1708 Right Path Counseling

It’s difficult to go through any change. Marriage is one of the “biggest.” It’s a relationship commitment that completely alters the course of one’s life in many meaningful, often special…

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Why Are Transitions So Hard Psychologically?

Why Are Transitions So Hard Psychologically? 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Throughout life, we experience transitions. We go off to college. We get married. We retire. Maybe we move to another state, lose a job, switch careers, or have kids. We…

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How Early Can ADHD Be Spotted in Young Boys and What Are The First Symptoms?

How Early Can ADHD Be Spotted in Young Boys and What Are The First Symptoms? 2000 1333 Right Path Counseling

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It occurs in adults, but it is generally recognized as beginning in childhood, as the brain develops.…

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ADHD and After School Activities

ADHD and After School Activities 2560 1748 Right Path Counseling

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Often, parents pay attention to the word “developmental,” and hope that they can train their child out of ADHD and give them the tools they…

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Your Phobia and Your Mental Health

Your Phobia and Your Mental Health 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

There are many different forms of anxiety. One that you’ll find we, as therapists, do not talk about very often is phobias – irrational fears that cause extreme distress, often…

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Is it Possible to Achieve a Final, Complete of Success?

Is it Possible to Achieve a Final, Complete of Success? 2560 1706 Right Path Counseling

Many people have personal or professional goals that they are looking to achieve. For example, a person’s goal may be to become CEO of their company, or to obtain a…

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How Does DBT Assist in Managing Eating Disorders?

How Does DBT Assist in Managing Eating Disorders? 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Although there are many ways to treat eating disorders, one that is often used by eating disorder specialists is known as Dialectical Behavior Therapy, typically shorted to DBT. DBT is…

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How Does CBT Reduce Severe Depression?

How Does CBT Reduce Severe Depression? 2560 1350 Right Path Counseling

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized and empirically supported treatment modality for severe depression, characterized by persistent sadness, a lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and an…

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Parents Need Help Too: Why Parent Counseling is Useful

Parents Need Help Too: Why Parent Counseling is Useful 2560 1708 Right Path Counseling

We worry so much about our kids, that sometimes we have a hard time remembering to take care of ourselves. That is one of the issues that many parents run…

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What to Tell Your Child’s Teacher When Your Child Has ADHD

What to Tell Your Child’s Teacher When Your Child Has ADHD 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Effective Communication Strategies for Supporting Your Child’s Education at Right Path Counseling At Right Path Counseling, we understand the importance of a collaborative approach in supporting children with ADHD in…

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Seasonal Depression on Long Island – Therapists for SAD

Seasonal Depression on Long Island – Therapists for SAD 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Comprehensive Approach to Seasonal Affective Disorder at Right Path Counseling Winter season may be known for the cold weather and the holidays. But for some, it is best known for…

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Why Change Causes Anxiety

Why Change Causes Anxiety 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Change is an inevitable part of life. Yet it often brings a sense of unease or anxiety. Something as simple as moving to a new apartment can cause some minor…

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Why We Treat Low Self-Esteem

Why We Treat Low Self-Esteem 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

In the psychotherapy world, a great deal of attention is placed on the idea of diagnoses – for example, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depression, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.…

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Treating Sexual Dysfunction by Addressing Anxiety

Treating Sexual Dysfunction by Addressing Anxiety 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Sexual dysfunction in men can manifest in various forms, such as erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation, or reduced sexual desire. While these issues can stem from a range of physical…

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Bereavement and Coping with the Loss of a Loved One in Hospice Care

Bereavement and Coping with the Loss of a Loved One in Hospice Care 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Losing a loved one is an indescribably difficult experience, and when that loss occurs in hospice care, it often brings a unique set of emotions and challenges. Hospice care is…

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We’ve Moved Across the Street – Visit Our New Office

We’ve Moved Across the Street – Visit Our New Office 150 150 Right Path Counseling

Right Path Counseling and our team of amazing therapists here on Long Island has recently moved offices. We wanted to have a newer space that would be more comfortable for…

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Man that appears to be sad and concerned wearing a grey cardigan.

What is Prolonged Grief Disorder? Navigating the Landscape of Loss

What is Prolonged Grief Disorder? Navigating the Landscape of Loss 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Grief is an intrinsic aspect of the human experience. It’s a natural reaction to the loss of someone significant in our lives. However, for some individuals, grief doesn’t merely linger.…

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