
Bereavement and Coping with the Loss of a Loved One in Hospice Care

Bereavement and Coping with the Loss of a Loved One in Hospice Care 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Losing a loved one is an indescribably difficult experience, and when that loss occurs in hospice care, it often brings a unique set of emotions and challenges. Hospice care is…

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We’ve Moved Across the Street – Visit Our New Office

We’ve Moved Across the Street – Visit Our New Office 150 150 Right Path Counseling

Right Path Counseling and our team of amazing therapists here on Long Island has recently moved offices. We wanted to have a newer space that would be more comfortable for…

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Man that appears to be sad and concerned wearing a grey cardigan.

What is Prolonged Grief Disorder? Navigating the Landscape of Loss

What is Prolonged Grief Disorder? Navigating the Landscape of Loss 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Grief is an intrinsic aspect of the human experience. It’s a natural reaction to the loss of someone significant in our lives. However, for some individuals, grief doesn’t merely linger.…

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Woman on a bench wearing sunglasses outdoors looking distressed.

How Can Seasonal Depression Occur in Summer?

How Can Seasonal Depression Occur in Summer? 2560 1706 Right Path Counseling

The weather is getting colder, and it is getting darker earlier. For many on Long Island, that means the onset of season affective disorder, often called seasonal depression. Seasonal depression…

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Two parents that appear overwhelmed on a couch, holding their hands, surrounded by blurry images of children that indicate they're running around the couch.

The Role Parents Play Advocating for a Child’s ADHD Diagnosis

The Role Parents Play Advocating for a Child’s ADHD Diagnosis 2560 1533 Right Path Counseling

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition that has been traditionally associated with boys, but the reality is far more nuanced. It is estimated that ADHD affects both genders and…

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An elderly woman holding a computer open for a young girl in a yellow shirt.

A Guide to Your Executive Functions

A Guide to Your Executive Functions 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

As humans, we are expected to develop with certain cognitive skills that help us to manage our time, adapt quickly to new problems, and develop long-term plans for success. These…

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A couple that is facing away from each other, indicating a problem with the relationship.

Does My Relationship Need Couples Counseling?

Does My Relationship Need Couples Counseling? 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

No relationship is ever done growing, and every marriage is always going to face challenges down the road. It doesn’t matter if you are a new couple or have been…

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Group of people sitting around each other discussing something important.

The Benefits of Group Therapy

The Benefits of Group Therapy 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Group therapy can be a great way to approach the development of your mental health and wellness from a new direction. There are many different qualities like communication, socialization, and…

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Man asleep on a bed. A woman is sitting in front of the bed holding her phone and her head, as though she has a headache.

When Do Couples Seek Counseling?

When Do Couples Seek Counseling? 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

There are a lot of misconceptions attached to marriage counseling or other forms of couples therapy. Conversations about this kind of counseling often come with the assumption that something is…

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Young woman looking at her phone and biting her nails. She is wearing a bright yellow shirt and offwhite shorts.

Why is Anorexia Called Anorexia “Nervosa?”

Why is Anorexia Called Anorexia “Nervosa?” 2560 1920 Right Path Counseling

Many of us are familiar with eating disorder terms, even if we may or may not have a deep understanding of their meaning. One such term is anorexia. Anorexia is…

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Young woman that appears to be touching her eye as though she is experiencing some type of pain or discomfort. She is laying on a bed and wearing a blue shirt.

How Anxiety Can Cause Eye Pain

How Anxiety Can Cause Eye Pain 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

So often we think about mental health conditions – like anxiety – in terms of how they make us feel emotionally and psychologically. We describe them as making us feel…

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Tanned woman with black hair lying on a bed in black pajamas, appearing to be sad and lost in thought.

Can Anxiety Cause Poor Sleep, or Poor Sleep Cause Anxiety?

Can Anxiety Cause Poor Sleep, or Poor Sleep Cause Anxiety? 2560 1708 Right Path Counseling

When we are trying to improve our mental health, it can be quite easy to focus on one condition and its treatment alone. The reality is that our symptoms, behaviors,…

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Rainbow colored journal with affirmation notes on top of it, and a pen lying next to it.

Can Depression Be Prevented With Daily Positive Affirmation?

Can Depression Be Prevented With Daily Positive Affirmation? 2560 1706 Right Path Counseling

It can too easy to dwell on the negatives and accidentally ignore the positives in life. This world is filled with constant changes and choices that can cause us to…

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Couple on a bed that appears to be fighting. The man has his hand up as though to stop the woman, and the woman has her arms raised to indicate frustration.

How Therapists Identify Borderline Personality Disorder in Teens and Young Adults

How Therapists Identify Borderline Personality Disorder in Teens and Young Adults 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Therapists use a variety of diagnostic criteria, typically from a manual known as the DSM-V, to identify when someone has a mental health disorder. But diagnosing these issues is not…

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Young girl with a yellow sweater, holding her glasses in front of a silver laptop. She is holding one eye as though in pain.

What is ADHD Burnout?

What is ADHD Burnout? 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

When we exercise, we use up the energy in our muscles, causing them to feel fatigued and spent. Our brain works similarly. Though not a muscle, the brain is a…

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Person that is mostly offscreen holding their lower back.

Physical Manifestations of Chronic Depression 

Physical Manifestations of Chronic Depression  2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

It can be incredibly dangerous to discredit the physical symptoms of a mental illness when reaching out for or seeking help. This is especially true for chronic depression, as a…

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A senior couple that is taking a ride on a roller coaster together.

What New Experiences Do For A Relationship’s Strength

What New Experiences Do For A Relationship’s Strength 2208 1474 Right Path Counseling

Often times, in relationships, we fall into these routines. We go to the same restaurants. We visit the same parks. We even go on vacation to the same places. We…

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Group of wooden toys loosely shaped like people that are set up to look like they're holding a rally. The wood toy in the middle is holding up a sign with an angry face on it.

How Cognitive Restructuring Can Help With Anger Management

How Cognitive Restructuring Can Help With Anger Management 2560 1573 Right Path Counseling

Anger is a powerful emotion – one that can have detrimental effects on individuals’ well-being and relationships if not managed effectively. That is why anger management with an experienced therapist…

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The Importance of The Therapist/Client Relationship

The Importance of The Therapist/Client Relationship 2560 1707 Right Path Counseling

Psychology is a science. Psychotherapy is and has been extensively researched. Approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) have received so much attention by unbiased, major…

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Social Anxiety and How Much Thought Others Give to Your Mistakes

Social Anxiety and How Much Thought Others Give to Your Mistakes 2074 1383 Right Path Counseling

Many of us struggle with some form of social anxiety. Some have a social phobia that is even more severe, causing extreme discomfort and unease in social situations. One of…

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