Bulimia Treatment on Long Island

Psychotherapy Treatment for Bulimia for Adults and Teens

Many people feel immense pressure to maintain a specific physical appearance. This pressure can become so overpowering that it distorts the way a person physically sees themselves, potentially leading to an eating disorder like bulimia nervosa. This can be a dangerous condition, but one that we can treat at Right Path Counseling.

Our team of experienced psychotherapists for bulimia on Long Island offer proactive and evidence-based bulimia treatments. We work with teens experiencing bulimia, as well as younger children and adults, to provide personalized treatment solutions dedicated to your recovery. Call our team to get matched with an eating disorder therapist at Right Path today.

What Does It Mean to Have Bulimia?

Like other eating disorders, such as anorexia, Bulimia Nervosa causes an interruption in healthy eating patterns. Often, the goal is to limit calories in order to lose weight. With bulimia, calorie control is done through purging. 

A person with bulimia may eat normal amounts or may experience binge episodes where they eat to the point of being overfull. After eating, they will then induce vomiting or use laxatives to avoid the caloric impact of the food. In some cases, bulimia can also occur alongside anorexia where a person will both severely limit their food intake and purge any food that they do eat.

As a parent of a child or teen with bulimia, you will likely have many questions about what caused this condition and what it means for your child. The most important step is to make sure your child gets the help they need if you suspect they have bulimia as this eating disorder can have long term health effects since those with bulimia are not getting enough nutrients to sustain their body. Indications that you or someone you know is living with bulimia can include:

  • Unusual weight loss and fluctuations.
  • Preoccupation with weight and body image.
  • Avoidance of eating in public.
  • Obsession over food, dieting, and calories.
  • Heading immediately to the bathroom after eating.
  • Over exercising.
  • Damage to teeth and gums from frequent vomiting.
  • Increasing physical health problems.

Although bulimia has a severe impact on physical health, it is a mental health disorder because it impacts the way that the person sees themselves. The focus on body image and food intake becomes an obsession. 

For this reason, our Long Island therapists for bulimia at Right Path Counseling are specially equipped to work with children, teens, and adults who have bulimia. We create a treatment plan that provides strategies for dealing with the compulsion to binge and purge, building healthier body image and eating habits, and working towards recovery that minimizes the chance of relapse. We also focus on stress, anxiety, and depression since they can often cause or exacerbate bulimia.


    How We Treat Bulimia at Right Path Counseling

    During bulimia treatment in Jericho, patients will work one on one with a psychotherapist. We have therapists on our team who are experienced in treating eating disorders, including bulimia, and understand how to work with you to change behavior caused by an eating disorder, adjust the thoughts that an eating disorder causes, and understand what causes an eating disorder.

    These goals require an extremely personalized approach to our Long Island bulimia counseling. Once we have gotten to know each patient’s individual challenges, we can draw from a range of different treatment modalities including:

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
    • Family Based Treatment (FBT)
    • Psychodynamic Theory, and Others

    Depending on the age of the patient, we will often involve the family or in treatment as well to be sure that you can give your child support throughout the recovery process.

    What Causes Bulimia?

    There is no single cause for bulimia or a type of person who will experience this disorder. While it is more common in young women, it is possible to develop bulimia at any age and many men experience this condition as well. But there are certain factors that may increase the risk of developing bulimia such as:

    • Culture and Societal Pressure – Extensive exposure to advertising and highly edited images, social media, celebrities, and diet culture, all of which continue to become more pervasive in most people’s lives, can put pressure on people to conform to a certain image.
    • Genetics – There is some evidence that some people may be more prone to developing eating disorders than others.
    • Other Mental Health Conditions – There is a correlation between bulimia and conditions like depression and anxiety.
    • Past Experiences – Traumas, bullying, and other experiences that may have led to low self esteem can increase the risk that a person might develop bulimia.

    Part of bulimia treatment at our Jericho therapy practice is to guide you to understand what may have caused the challenges you are experiencing so that we can address those specifically. This will make you more resilient if you face similar challenges in the future.

    Young woman eating a watermelon.

    How Long Island Bulimia Treatment Can Benefit You

    Bulimia can be an extremely hard mental health condition to manage alone since the beliefs and behaviors behind it often become so ingrained that it is difficult to work past them without help. Our goal in therapy is to help you recover from bulimia and regain both your mental and physical health by:

    • Giving you tools to make the right nutritional decisions.
    • Rewriting negative beliefs about the self.
    • Teaching coping strategies to quiet unwanted thoughts or reduce the compulsion to binge/purge. 
    • Addressing other mental health conditions that may be causing bulimia to get worse. 
    • Building family support systems by giving parents the right tools and approaches to support teenagers. 

    Effective therapy for bulimia in Jericho also helps mitigate mental symptoms in order to provide the space necessary to focus on physical recovery.

    Get the Help You Need – Contact Right Path Counseling

    Our Jericho-based counseling team has several different therapists on staff and many have experience in treating eating disorders. This makes it possible to choose a psychotherapist that you or your child will work best for the best results during therapy. Call us or send us a message to get started with a personalized bulimia treatment plan.

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